Financial services might not have the most number of regulations (manufacturing wins that crown with 217,000), but there is no industry where so much of their day-to-day operations are governed by ever-changing rules, guidance and industry standards. They even have their own acronyms (KYC, AML, etc). And with millions of transactions daily covered by the regulations, financial institutions have long looked to automation to stay safe and compliant. These tools even have their own name, RegTech, a term coined by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2015.

Natuarally the topic is covered at every major fintech and banking event. But if you work in the filed, you will want to go much deeper at a conference entirely devoted to Financial Regtech. Below is a calendar of the biggest global events.

Our other financial services technology calendars:

> Please contact us if we are missing anything or if you would like to see your event listed.

2024 Regtech Conference Calendar

Event Location Start End Attendees* Began
Global RegTech Summit USA NYC 24 Sep 24 24 Sep 24 500 2022
Regtech Summit London London 3 Oct 24 3 Oct 24 200 2017
DC Fintech Week Washington DC 21 Oct 24 24 Oct 24 800 2017
Regtech Convention Frankfurt 18 Nov 24 21 Nov 24 2000 1993
Regtech Summit NYC NYC 21 Nov 24 21 Nov 24 400 2017
Previous Events
Regtech Africa Lagos, Nigeria 23 May 24 24 May 24 1000 2022
Global Regtech Summit London 16 May 24 16 May 24 1000 2017
Regtech Conference London 7 Feb 24 7 Feb 24 300 2017

Source: FintechLabs, 1 July 2024

*According to the company

Note: FintechLabs curates the financial technology event list based on our 20+ years in the business. Some events pay referral or listing fees, which could impact positioning.